We have developed a smartphone app -based technology into a parking operation known as Digital Parking Coupons. At this point, most of the parking operations in the Council area are using the conventional system of Scratch Coupons where users have to scratch the coupons purchased according to the year, date and time of parking.

We took a green technology concept initiative which no longer involves the use of paper when introducing digital coupons. Everything is put in one online system called GoPayy. GoPayy was developed using a smartphone application to be used by digital coupon sales agents for the purpose of selling parking coupons.

This application was developed to make it easier for parking users to obtain digital coupons to pay for parking charges. All they have to do is just go to a registered GoPayy agent and pay the parking charge according to the parking time period they want. They no longer need to display coupons like conventional coupons before.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Suasa Efektif Sdn Bhd